Confidence (9-27-10)

So, I started "Tweeting" the other day and instantly became addicted!  I follow a bunch of people, including some "famous" people and some actual friends.  It is another great way to keep up with those people that you don't get to talk to or see very often.

Most of the people that I follow and that follow me on Twitter are people that I either know or at least know of, except 1 person.  Her name is Jacqueline Lee, or jd_1207.  I noticed that she was following me on Twitter and checked out her profile.  Well it turns out that she has her own "vblog" on You Tube and she is a singer/artist.  Her music is fantastic!   If you click the pic below you will go to her You Tube page.

This woman displays a confidence and strength that I would LOVE to embody.  When you put yourself out there for the whole world to judge you, you deserve to be recognized and appreciated.  I have a hard enough time putting myself/life/feelings out there in this blog. 

I admire you Ms JD. . . keep it up girl.  People are starting to recognize :)
